
Showing posts from 2015


..and as she turned away from the bright shining sun, she felt the prickly ice water run down her face like liquid diamonds and she knew she was done.. she hid behind the waterfall shying away from his glow, his warm rays still hit her ice cold skin and helped her slow heart cope, she saw the sun from behind the water, magnificent in his place..She walked right through the gushing veil with her hands wide open and whispered "take me...take me with you" she looked around and saw the world wrapped in all green and blue, she took a deep breath and it felt like the first for even the air felt young and new..everything around her so much more alive..with every step she knew, she got closer to the edge and as she looked down she felt no fear and in that moment she knew her heart was true.  She looked up at the sun and "take me" she said "take me" she whispered "with you" ...and his rays it hugged her and shone on her face caressing her smile with n

Our story.

'We were everything..everything.'  He was perfect. My kinda perfect. We went through the toughest times of our lives together and believe me you'll always be the strongest person I've ever known. I remember almost everything.. I've  got little bits of you sewn into me.. your habits..your perspectives.. your style. 6 years we've hid from the world our woven hearts, 6 years we walked together hand in hand. You'll always be my favourite love story. No one has ever fought for me the way you have, and I doubt anyone ever will. I remember it all.. times you'd come all the way from KL just to see me walk home for 5 minutes.. times you'd wait behind that big old tree to surprise me just to spend a few minutes with me before I had to leave.. How you'd Skype with me occasionally from Aussie while you were studying there and how you'd smile like i was the light at the end of the tunnel. All those adventures you took me on.. waterfalls, random roads

Him or He

   As she ran down the steps of gold and glass, it fell off her foot her slipper of glass. He took into his hands what she left behind, for he was in love and she had no time. Search and search he did for the courage to ask and one night he finally did, he asked her at last. She smiled with tears pouring down her face for she had waited for this for far too long, but alas as he asked she cried for her heart was hers no more. But what can stop a wild heart's desire, for with that 'yes' she set both worlds on fire. He took out her slipper and she showed her feet, her foot in his palms where he left a kiss. He slipped on her slipper onto her foot, and with that he took her on a wild love route.Never did she take it off and a part of her it became, the glass slipper attached to the dame. He rooted his love into her core, it coiled around inside her.. lungs, bones and heart. Love dazed they star gazed and lost themselves more, his last kiss was the only bliss she didn't k

rose buds.

I love you.

rabbit hole.

in a second everything went a blur, the noises in the background fading into silence and time seemed altered. Like someone losing their mind. feeling the physical push of every kiss, hug, touch, breath, smile, stare, smell, laugh stream by you trying to push you down and carry you along with it as you use the last bit of strength to not fall.. to not let not break..don't break.. Telling yourself that everything is okay when smiling needs effort and swallowing seems impossible. Living your world for the souls that parade around you..sitting in a cage knowing how to unlock it but never having the guts.. the voices in my head..they've been awoken.. darkness approached with his hands full of might as she stood there like a white rose without the slightest fright, unaware of the depth of a starless dark night she walked right into him like a fearless naive knight, he held her in his dark possession, his hands twisting around her light, a clear obsession..she slo


Not knowing what's really going on and not knowing how i got here let alone how to get out. In a blink of an eye I'm stuck in quicksand. My lips spit venom dipped darts as my heart's hands crave for you.. I keep pushing when all i want is to do is pull.. call me crazy but know that it's because of you. You've clipped my wings and now walking seems hard for one who never strayed on land..but I'm falling..and i hope you catch me when i land. How's it hard for you to see that the pain i feel is real and trust don't come easy to walking wing deprived creatures waiting to heal. But now I'm here on the ground..and you're up so high.. flying.   Holding on to the bars of my cage, as the bitter taste sinks in, can't contain this flaring rage but i refrain from committing sin. Thumping against her chest,.. throbbing in her head..venom induced mess keeps running as she hits bed. How could she love the one who clipped her wings..but that's what she