
..and as she turned away from the bright shining sun, she felt the prickly ice water run down her face like liquid diamonds and she knew she was done..
she hid behind the waterfall shying away from his glow, his warm rays still hit her ice cold skin and helped her slow heart cope,
she saw the sun from behind the water, magnificent in his place..She walked right through the gushing veil with her hands wide open and whispered "take me...take me with you"
she looked around and saw the world wrapped in all green and blue, she took a deep breath and it felt like the first for even the air felt young and new..everything around her so much more alive..with every step she knew, she got closer to the edge and as she looked down she felt no fear and in that moment she knew her heart was true. 
She looked up at the sun and "take me" she said "take me" she whispered "with you" ...and his rays it hugged her and shone on her face caressing her smile with no lack of grace. She took a deep breath and with that she leapt, racing with the waterfall..feeling her heart beat, eyes wide open and falling with speed. The rusty cage broken and her wild heart free...she was not afraid, she was not shy, she felt no fear, she did not have to cry, she was not angry and knew not of envy, she had no hate nor did she feel fake, she was not confused and forgot years of abuse.. all she was.. was content. she was happy. she was free. 

"wild horses and wild hearts my love"


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