
Not knowing what's really going on and not knowing how i got here let alone how to get out. In a blink of an eye I'm stuck in quicksand. My lips spit venom dipped darts as my heart's hands crave for you.. I keep pushing when all i want is to do is pull.. call me crazy but know that it's because of you. You've clipped my wings and now walking seems hard for one who never strayed on land..but I'm falling..and i hope you catch me when i land. How's it hard for you to see that the pain i feel is real and trust don't come easy to walking wing deprived creatures waiting to heal. But now I'm here on the ground..and you're up so high.. flying.

  Holding on to the bars of my cage, as the bitter taste sinks in, can't contain this flaring rage but i refrain from committing sin. Thumping against her chest,.. throbbing in her head..venom induced mess keeps running as she hits bed. How could she love the one who clipped her wings..but that's what she did..for only him she would sing. The black and grey would taunt her all day and when silence crept in she'd fight but give in. For how long can the wingless creature fight?..how long can she avoid mirrors and show fierce might..when inside she knows that this feeling of 'light' isn't from letting go of pain but of humans plight..because this 'light' was the absence of her flight..he clipped off her wings. Oh how he'd stare and adore as she'd glide in mid-air, how she'd glow suns brighter when she'd realize he's there.. but he got her wings and she's still looking for those eyes he'd look at her with when she was still flying. it was too late..cuz now she was love bound and he wasn't adoring..but there he was in mid air....soaring.


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