Our story.

'We were everything..everything.'
 He was perfect. My kinda perfect. We went through the toughest times of our lives together and believe me you'll always be the strongest person I've ever known. I remember almost everything.. I've  got little bits of you sewn into me.. your habits..your perspectives.. your style. 6 years we've hid from the world our woven hearts, 6 years we walked together hand in hand. You'll always be my favourite love story. No one has ever fought for me the way you have, and I doubt anyone ever will. I remember it all.. times you'd come all the way from KL just to see me walk home for 5 minutes.. times you'd wait behind that big old tree to surprise me just to spend a few minutes with me before I had to leave.. How you'd Skype with me occasionally from Aussie while you were studying there and how you'd smile like i was the light at the end of the tunnel. All those adventures you took me on.. waterfalls, random roadside stalls.. beaches at midnight till sunrise..running away to Penang for a bubble gun.. random cafe's in ipoh.. Cameron highland.. etc..every single one I'll never forget them all. I remember how I'd have the suckiest day and feel like i was gonna throw up and you'd show up in a car to fetch me with your million dollar smile and it would feel like everything was gonna be alright. You'd take me to a good restaurant and we'd eat good food while talking about anything and everything. You were always the kind of person i didn't have to hold back with. I could always be ME, I never had to fake it or wonder if you'd judge me cuz you never did. You always loved me for me. You loved my crazy and i loved your tame.Whether it was on my ugly days or my good ones you'd never fail to tell me how much you loved me or how you felt lucky to have me.  You've seen me in my worst conditions..and you'd still look into my eyes like i was the only one. I was your only one. You were close with my sister and all my friends and I was comfortable with all of yours.. Your family adored me and my grandma loved you. You'd help me cook and later wash the dishes as i sat with a full tummy. You'd help clean my room on the days when i was sick cuz you knew i hated the mess.. You'd take me on long drives to nowhere when you knew my mind was hazy. You'd let me watch MY favourite movie eventough you desperately wanted to watch your football game and you'd make me wear your favourite team's jersey and watch the matches during football season. I loved watching you play football cuz you seemed unbeatable every time you were out there. I miss sleeping on the basketball court next to you as we watched the stars and laughed our nights away. Even our worst fights never seemed to be out of hate but love..it never lasted more than a day. I like how you always understood what i was saying.. how you were so comfortable in your skin. How no matter what sh*t life put you through you'd still smile and have hope.You were and always will be the best. You are the reason that I'm a better person today, I've learnt alot through you. I miss those tiny gestures.. red roses on my desk, slow dancing to good old songs, playing hide and seek in the rain, eating ice-cream at my balcony, random 4am Mc'D breakfast at the lake.. the tiniest things meant the world to me. You were my kind of perfect. 
They loved each other in ways one could not describe,  overcame hurdles hand in hand with leaps and strides.
He showed her his world and she walked him into hers.. he'd shout out his love and always hear her love even her slightest whispers..
His smile would colour her grey days vibrant and her eyes would disarm him regardless.
She was his dose of crazy and him her sanity. Her eyes wild and bright and his full of life. 
'The world doubted their love and when they'd proven bonds so strong the stars played with their fates.'  
But they were in love. 


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