Him or He

   As she ran down the steps of gold and glass, it fell off her foot her slipper of glass. He took into his hands what she left behind, for he was in love and she had no time. Search and search he did for the courage to ask and one night he finally did, he asked her at last. She smiled with tears pouring down her face for she had waited for this for far too long, but alas as he asked she cried for her heart was hers no more. But what can stop a wild heart's desire, for with that 'yes' she set both worlds on fire. He took out her slipper and she showed her feet, her foot in his palms where he left a kiss. He slipped on her slipper onto her foot, and with that he took her on a wild love route.Never did she take it off and a part of her it became, the glass slipper attached to the dame. He rooted his love into her core, it coiled around inside her.. lungs, bones and heart. Love dazed they star gazed and lost themselves more, his last kiss was the only bliss she didn't know she'd own. It left a dark mark where her neck and shoulder met, first it was violet then crimson red.
    It was then time for 'him' to return, the knight whom she had saved, for when he was bleeding in battle he was saved by this dame. His head bandaged and legs damaged he came seeking for her heart, she stood there with love and rage for she was her own cage from the very start. It was a choice between he or him and her hands held their hearts. Love or Care? she stood there as they waited for her to speak.. their eyes she looked into and saw what weighed more above all her needs. Her heart she ripped out along with her lungs and out came all her bones..for the vines were too strong and she held on for so long, he was vital..she would know, she left it in his hands with the blood soaked slipper and their wild heart romance as their hearts both hit a low. She looked him in the eye, whispered a goodbye and limped towards the knight her eyes empty as his shone bright. She chose duty over love, for she was the aider and he needed aid, how was he to walk if she had chose to listen to her heart talk. He was nice and kind, took care of her and gave her his time, she aided his wounds and taught him to walk. Nevertheless, she lost her life's brightest glow, for together they were wild horses black, gold and bold. Every night she'd cry till the sun rised again, in the morning she'd start the act filled with pain. She crumbled inside as he slowly healed, her lungs burned from shrieking but all he heard were squeals. Her eyes searched and longed for he who bewitched, chest loaded and heavy, soul tired, faith strong. He was no where to be found, the magic man was gone, his spell cast and lasting forever too long. To the glitter in the night sky she'd plead and plead, give them happiness she'd beseech. Day after day, week after week, time flew by and the man she aided could now run and leap. Scars wide open, eyes swollen and hope she had lost.. she had fallen into a dark hole. Lost she was the dame who helped, lost was all she could ever yell. For too long she had muffled her screams and bled, for too long she had waited for him to come back. She let go, she fell..and now she is well. She let herself bleed and the truth she told... of all the pain she had to hold, her screams they pierced every soul but not with arrows instead feathers of gold. They held her hand in hand, picked her up and started to chant. As the trees lost it's leaves and the wind came in strong she slowly found her way back to his throne. 
  What they had not known was that she'd always peep, into the hole where the magic man lived, she'd wait and wait for him to smile but it broke her heart more to see his heart cry. She'd blame herself for all his cuts, her soul bruised from every fall he took. But not a word she spoke and not an utter she let out, for her pain was hers and hers alone. Along came a damsel, his heart she took not all at once but with time her path he took. Where she thought she'd find envy instead she found peace, for at least with that damsel the magic man was no longer a beast. Once again she felt a pulse...her heart had started to beat for at last, after years she saw the magic man breathe. 


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