On the edge.

The thing is you never loved my flaws.. You never loved my ugly, you never loved my monster...cuz you never saw them. Your eyes only saw beauty and beauty alone. My scars to your eyes were beautiful. You saw me through eyes that were made to embrace my each and every flaw  full with love. 

I broke you, i broke every piece of you. To be honest i don't know what im afraid of or what's pulling me down. I just constantly am looking for something to fill in these voids. These empty spaces in between are the heaviest parts of me.. It's like dragging the chains and shackles that hold me everywhere i go.

She stood there bare. With nothing but her hands to hide her, hugging herself to keep from falling apart. Circled by all those eyes that stared..her flaws, her scars her skin every inch of her exposed..she could feel herself being analyzed by merciless eyes that stared. She took 3 steps back into a whirlpool of everything that ever left a scar on her. Memories and flashbacks hitting her like stones and rocks.. re-opening wounds that she swore to never visit. She felt a sudden burn in her chest, the burn grew into an agonizing pain. She clutched her chest and fell to the ground with her eyes closed tightly. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted, she screamed, kicked, and slammed her fists on the ground. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" she screamed as she hit the ground beneath her with all her might.. all at once she went numb. Her chest began glowing a bright beautiful green.. slowly that circle of light traveled around her like veins or roots all through her body..she let her eyes give in and exhaled short but heavily. As her body rose from the pavement beneath her, green grass grew where she had fallen. The light within her tore out of her and wrapped her in it's embrace. Her hair grew long simultaneously turning green as her legs and body turned brown..within seconds a tree had replaced what once was a broken soul. The tree had leaves unlike others with a enticing bluish green glow, the trunk was thick and strong with glowing green vines coiling around it. It bore fruits..tiny fruits as red as blood. But no one could ever go near the tree..everyone who tried paid the price..the only ones who could go near it were the handful of kind hearted souls. She was safe. :)


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