
This rage I'm feeling is not a fire neither a flame, but some kind of explosion that is the expiration of my tame. My only medicine.. my only drug, I've now changed into some kind of thug. My chains and cuffs are on the floor, the monster within is now at my door. A broken cage, a bleeding heart.. the bells are ringing and the fire starts! I'm on the floor with swollen eyes, my tears mask demised.. I'm trying to pound and hit the walls the one I'm fighting is no one at all. It's not a fight with another or a fight from within..I'm fighting a real life person, I'm fighting the girl I've been.
My blood keeps boiling as my memories stream pass...what have i done? i ask and ask.. I keep ruining every silver and gold.. i turn them into dust and coal. Let me bleed..let me burn...but rid me of this pain I've earned. Take a step back in time and erase the scars iv'e given and earned.. How much of a load will you put on my back. im only a girl who lost her track.. im not perfect im not poised. im scared, rough and fragile by choice..but i love without fear and live without care..I fight for my love and i am as i am. I don't follow i LEAD. I don't borrow i lend. Im not a cowardice friend.. I know im not perfect..just like a unicorn i once rose..but someone cut my wings off and then my alicorn and scarred my ribs while ripping my heart. Am i not allowed to bleed? Am i not allowed to shed...? the tears i lose are the ones you reap. The words i speak are somehow alien to everyone but me. It's like speaking to everyone and finding out you're deaf.


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