The wind is howling and the rain pours down hard, her clothes are soaking but she's not looking for a shed. Instead she let's the sound of raindrops crashing against the ground drown her. She used to glow, every so much. There used to be a skip to her walk, a glow in her smile, a warmth in her hug..she used to be ALIVE. Magnifying and living every second to it's fullest, she had faith. She ran away from home..hoping to find the magic she always believed existed..she looked for the rainbow and instead got struck by lightning. It struck her right in the core of her heart. She was still breathing..but she somehow felt a sense of emptiness, like something was missing. Her heart scarred and burnt..numb to her pain.. she lost it. her glow. it was had been beaten out of her a million times until she no longer had the strength to fight for it. She lost the one thing she loved..
   standing in the rain, on the exact spot that the lightning hit her years ago..she wept. She wept and the rain merged with her tears..she wept and grieved over the loss of herself.


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