Ruined cities.

Have you ever wanted something so bad? Wanting a goal with every fiber of your very being..of your very existence! 

  She entered the room and felt the strong change of sorta felt lighter? like she entered a dimension where time stopped for a little while. Her worries, her pain, her scares...all sieved, everything filtered as she entered the room. She entered the door as a cleaner soul. She left her shadows at the front door. She looked around, it wasn't big..but it was beautiful. It screamed authenticity. Her sister came out from the kitchen and spread her arms out calling her in for a warm hug. She looked down and admired the dark wood panel floor and the lighter wooden dining table. It was a plain hall but somehow it screamed home and love. Across the hall the cloud curtains called her in, she walked passed the curtains out into the balcony. She took a deep breath, and exhaled heavily. It was breathtaking. Like being blessed by cosmic laws from beyond. She liked it, being so high the cool calm wind played with her hair and caressed her cheeks she smiled. :)

  She studied everyone as they sat around the table for a warm cup of tea. Such beautiful smiles she taught. They felt so genuine. As they spoke she caught all the stolen glances he would give his love. It was a calming scene. It felt like she wasn't sitting among she was living in slow mode..with a song playing softly in the back..she caught every smile, laugh and word. She locked it up inside her..and in turn it unlocked her caged heart. She felt this pang of weight in her chest.. it was somehow heavy yet light. The gush of emotions...took her by surprise, she wanted that. forever.

   As she left the house with plentiful of pleasant memories from this visit, she smiled..and took a deep breath before leaving. She knew that it was not the end..that for some reason everything was going to be okay. On the drive back tears flowed down her cheeks..she was now free.

oh god love the song Team-Lorde! <3 comment-3--="">
 - sometimes the smallest things...trigger the deepest feelings.-


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