Moments of weakness. :)

  Sometimes i just wanna loose myself, drown in your laughter and forget everything around me. Just close my eyes and breathe you into me. I could live a million lives just looking at that smile. "who's gonna save the world tonight?" :) I'm a unicorns whisper away from letting go and every time i open my eyes and get sucked back into reality i realize how letting go fails not only me but everyone around me! Wonder if im loosing my mind! There's so many souls out there with faiths so gory my eyes can't even stand to look. What if you're stuck in the middle? what if you're unsure on whether to choose yourself or the ones you love? I'm starting to feel that all these selfless acts are starting to ruin me and not otherwise. What if i choose to destroy myself?

        Her hazel brown eyes gazed around the room.. Wooden floors and wooden walls. It was just a small empty room made of wood. She looked around admiring how the sun light crept through the little cracks of wood. It was an empty room with a red carpet on the floor and light creeping through the tiny cracks. Suddenly she felt a gush of wind from behind, she turned and there in the corner of the room she found a long mirror. it was slightly taller than her, It wasn't there a minute ago. she examined the silver rims of the mirror. ..she stared at her reflection in the glass. She was wearing a simple white dress which stretched out till her knees, her hair was let down..huge beautiful brown curls falling over her shoulder..her skin was rosy pale against her reddish brown lips. Her eyes stared at the clone that stood in the mirror, her eyes...big and brown filled with wonder deeper than oceans..her eyes full of soul. In her hand she held a blood red rose.. and carelessly she pricked her finger on the stem of the flower. She winced as she watched 3 drops of blood stain the wooden floor boards. Her eyes shut tight as the third drop hits the ground and suddenly everything starts turning..blobs of black liquid drip from the cracks in the ceiling blocking out the light that once leaked in. Hands breaking through the floor pulling and tugging at her, tearing her lovely dress and tarnishing her skin with stains of dirt. She falls to the floor curled up hands over her ears and eyes shut tight as tears stream out and jump of her long black lashes. She feels a tight grip on her chest... "breathe." She exhales heavily..her eyes spring open in fright! everything was hands no black liquids just an empty room with sunlight pouring in. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears..she looked down at herself..everything was fine, clean and perfect. She stood up and turned and looked into the mirror,  her once snowy white dress stained with black stains torn and ripped, hand prints on her ankles and legs, her hands covered in black ink.. her hair drenched in darkness..she looked at her reflection and her heart froze when her eyes met the reflection of her eyes..They were pitch black. Her soul had been sucked out. There was no more light in her face..her heart was beating..but she wasn't alive. she looked down at herself again but nothing could be seen..except her finger. There lay 3 drops of blood on the wooden floor.


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