Pretty faces

You judge before a word is even spoken, you seem to think their world's have never been broken. What's wrong with having a pretty face? So she put on some lipstick and he combed his hair and they carved big smiles to appear like they don't care but the world is harsh with judgments thrown, from every angle and always aiming for your throne. It's not easy to hear how it must've been your fault, that a relationship had ended because of your curly brown locks, it's not easy to take hit after hit because they think you're pretty and forget he's a prick. It must've been her fault! Curvy hips and blood red lips don't stick to one bloke. It must've been him, that fine hair and dreamy stare wasn't made for one gal! What about the guy who bruised her and how about the girl who used him? You walk around and get hit and now you're numb till your room isn't lit. You let it out and cry to sleep because deep inside you're still in love with a wicked prick. A pretty face is still human too. A pretty face is like me and you.


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