“She fell in love with love”

So where’s my ‘meant to be’?

My happy ever after? My ‘dizzy in our laughter’?

Where’s the magic and the sparks, the warmth even in the dark?
The sunsets and carved hearts and long walks through hidden parks..?
How about the wine and the champagne paired with city lights or dancing in the rain?

The cozy cuddles and cheeky tease, the moonlight dinner and feeling at ease?
the classic love songs between intense kisses and subtle flirting in public places?

Where're the fights and the compromises? The late nights and star gaze places.

My very own drug and disaster, my poisoned remedy and tamed man monster, someone to push me and say “you can run faster,” Reach higher,” & “fight harder!”
My trust fall partner, my let’s do this together hustler.

The hold my hell even though I’m blazing, and when it’s over then we’ll start apologising. Not to forget, the “be my best friend and here’s my heart, keep it safe, don’t rip it apart.” The warm tea with my study partner and “come home and meet my mother”

Where is that love?


  1. So beautifully written, I really really liked how your articulated your feelings into words. It’s not easy, and not everyone can do it, especially when all the words rhyme. And I guess, to answer your question, what’s meant to be will eventually come to you when the time is right


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