
She muffled her cries by stuffing her face into the palms of her hands, as she hid in fear and cried her eyes out. She had been betrayed and scarred..by a man she trusted..by someone she could never see crossing the lines drawn by society, by family, by love and respect. Trust. It can both carry you or kill you. She had no one to run to, no one to share her burden and seek for help. She was alone in that little town, and the one person she knew now became a stranger by manipulation and betrayal. Countless nights she stayed awake..crying, thinking, blaming herself for the black ink that had stained her white. She could no longer look in the mirror for the person she saw was no longer someone she knew..slowly drifting away she started to lose herself and along with that so faded her faith and hope. Her bright beautiful glow dimmed. The cage she ran away from now seemed ever so much more comfortable and home-like than the home she lived in now. The walls had grown tired of her sobs and cries, her ceilings had witnessed her heart break numerous times. Just when she felt like this was the fall she'd never stand up from he came along. Out of the blue a friend so true.

 It was pass midnight and she was laying in bed staring at the fan when he called. Surprised to see the name that flashed on her phone, she answered immediately... forgetting every burden that weighed her down. "Hello?" she smiled as the words left her lips. "Hey, where are you? busy?" he asked.
"Dude.. it's 1am whadduya think im doing? was about to sleep, but yea im free!"
"Ok good! get ready now!" he said and immediately hung up. "what? why? hello???"
She jumped out of bed with a smile carved on her face, she couldn't rub it off, she got ready and sat on her bed and stared at the phone..It didn't bother her that he had hung up or that it was late or that he gave her no explanations for his random call. He was no stranger, no stranger at all. Not long after, she got a message that read 'come out'. Her heart raced, she hadn't seen a familiar face in so long. She sneaked out her room, down the stairs and out her front door. There was a car parked in front her house and someone got down, he held his chest the minute he saw her. Her face lit up like a thousand suns reunited, she was aching to just run and dissolve in his embrace but she was too afraid to make such a move. They just stood there drowning in that beautiful awkward moment smiling at each other with an occasional 'hey there!' and a little "so, how's life?" to fill in the silence. After the moment had passed they started talking like old times, she took him around and showed him everything she liked about that place and for those moments with him..her scars disappeared. That night the stars showed off the brightest glow and they witnessed the magic. Joy took over and reigned over throughout the night with no place for defeat, they both lost themselves in the night and it was just like old times again. The sky slowly started turning from a rich dark wine purple to a mulberry painted sky with a tint of orange at the far end. It was time for him to leave and she had class in a few hours, they bid their goodbye's and parted ways. She got back to her room and plopped herself down onto her bed and just breathed heavily until her heart stopped racing and her stomach stopped churning. The smile on her face lasted with full force throughout the day and no one could miss it. He was like a piece of home to her. A piece of comfort.


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