to the sons and daughters of the days to come.

She no longer felt anything. She couldn't really help it but everything inside her had fallen apart. She told no one of what had happened. Why burden others with guilts that tore her heart. She no longer 'felt'. "Detached" they say. Her heart and soul departed ways. With so much pain that she went numb.

Why does one try so hard to fit in? Why do they bend so far back until they break? Why do they walk so far out of the line of their own and enter a zone unfamiliar to their own just to fit in? Erasing whatever made them them to join the clan of zombies. Why does the mass discriminate anything it finds new or different. Is it because they don't understand? Is it because they're afraid? Why rid one of all their rights to smile? Why make them cry at night just because they feel differently about things, just because they love differently, just because they dream, see, believe differently? Society is the devil that preaches. we abide to those who stand in quantity and not quality. well i refuse to bow. I will not let you tell me what is beautiful and what is not.

 A zombie i am not,
a puppet i try not to be.

A lion i claim to be,
for the puppeteer will not control me.
I tend not to follow the tune of the flute, instead i dance to the rhythm i please.
I watch the people as they bow down to what we call society, what irony! a free world with collars? tragedy! where's the humanity?
   I plea not to thee or thy fathers before, but instead to thy sons of the days to come. Don't let greed blind thy eyes and don't let fear give you a disguise. Fight with integrity, banish these monstrosities.
dear sons and daughters of the future, rise my children, bloom in love and care. Expand thy horizons, walk the earth with thy bare feet, sink it into earths soil and feel her heartbeat. With love you shall rule.


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