
  What is love? Does it really have a definite meaning? Or is it based on opinions and perspectives..Well to me love is infinite. It's a high rush of adrenaline on a beautiful rainy day. It's gravity's pull into a never ending fall. It's when your heart skips a beat and he finds it hard to breathe. Doesn't matter who it is..a friend, a lover, your family, a stranger? Love is love. Love is when you see their flaws and scars and their hideous gory open wounds but no intimidation's when you see past the scars and beyond the flaws..when you see the battles they've fought and the struggles they've been through.. and you help heal their wounds. You help heal the soul that's bleeding and not only the outer physic of someone. It's when you fall backwards without fear cuz you know with all your heart and soul that those who love  you will for sure catch you! Cause my dear is trust.. it's not just knowing they'll be there to pull you back up or lend a helping's staying by their side even when the world has turned it's backs towards them, because you don't need to be convinced of their innocence, u just know deep down that you can trust them. 

   Love to me is that 3a.m. call from a friend just cause she felt like telling you she missed you, That long 3 hour night drive he took after class to come check up on you just cause he 'felt' something wasn't right with u, it's when they stayed up all night despite the early morning classes they had the next day just so they could prepare you for your exams, It's when your family sits around at a table and drink tea and share stories and laugh their hearts out and you look across the table and see those smiling faces and nothing else seems to matter..cuz you're're in that moment..and that's all u need. It's when a friend hugs you just because they want to, when your grandparents remember your birthday without writing it down, when your sis saves up to get you a birthday present, when your dad gives you the remote eventough he badly wants to watch the race, when your mom cooks your favorite dinner even when she's tired, when your aunt comes home every weekend just to see your face, when someone cries when you're in pain because she can feel it too, tolerating her whacky nonsense cause you love seeing her smile, when a bunch of u sleep on grass while gazing at the moon in complete silence and soaking in each others mere presence, when your mother smiles as you walk up stage to receive a reward, when the people around you sacrifice just to see you smile, or when people are there to share their smile..  love is that warm fuzzy feeling you feel before you go to when you get to share that smile..that ultimate comfort you feel when you're around someone that you don't have to pretend.

  Love is being able to be just you with people, it's when they pull you in regardless of your flaws.. I think everyone deserves that fairytale ending. :) that "once upon a time"..and that "..and so they lived happily ever after.." Because when you love someone, you will not judge them, you will not scar will not make them feel small or watch them as they will understand will gently mend their flaws yet let them be who they want to be.. tell them when they're wrong yet do it with love..Make them feel like they deserve better because they most probably do and they just mean that much to you, pushing them to heights they never dreamt of, supporting them through thick and thin, watching them smile and laugh from a distance, cringing when they cry cause you just can't bear see them hurt, picking up their broken pieces and trying to put it back together..sharing, caring, forgiving, understanding, patience, tolerance, faith, trust.. To is when you actually CARE..when you actually truly give a damn. When their feelings really do matter to you and you don't expect anything in return.

 It's that beautiful numbness that goes on forever..a contradicting pull and push that screws you up but powers you up..It's not necessarily the physical touch and the hot make out sessions.. its sometimes just the cuddling up together in sweat pants with no make up to watch a movie together. when their mere presence melts your heart and warms your soul. now that's love. well for me at least ;)

but that's just my is absolutely infinite..something that you can't put your finger on..

     so....what is love?


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