
Showing posts from August, 2015

Him or He

   As she ran down the steps of gold and glass, it fell off her foot her slipper of glass. He took into his hands what she left behind, for he was in love and she had no time. Search and search he did for the courage to ask and one night he finally did, he asked her at last. She smiled with tears pouring down her face for she had waited for this for far too long, but alas as he asked she cried for her heart was hers no more. But what can stop a wild heart's desire, for with that 'yes' she set both worlds on fire. He took out her slipper and she showed her feet, her foot in his palms where he left a kiss. He slipped on her slipper onto her foot, and with that he took her on a wild love route.Never did she take it off and a part of her it became, the glass slipper attached to the dame. He rooted his love into her core, it coiled around inside her.. lungs, bones and heart. Love dazed they star gazed and lost themselves more, his last kiss was the only bliss she didn't k

rose buds.

I love you.