
Showing posts from April, 2014


  What is love? Does it really have a definite meaning? Or is it based on opinions and perspectives..Well to me love is infinite. It's a high rush of adrenaline on a beautiful rainy day. It's gravity's pull into a never ending fall. It's when your heart skips a beat and he finds it hard to breathe. Doesn't matter who it is..a friend, a lover, your family, a stranger? Love is love. Love is when you see their flaws and scars and their hideous gory open wounds but no intimidation's when you see past the scars and beyond the flaws..when you see the battles they've fought and the struggles they've been through.. and you help heal their wounds. You help heal the soul that's bleeding and not only the outer physic of someone. It's when you fall backwards without fear cuz you know with all your heart and soul that those who love  you will for sure catch you! Cause my dear is trust .. it's not just knowing they'll be ther